Living Legacy: The Beis Aaron of Karlin, zy”a

Living Legacy: The Beis Aaron of Karlin, zy”a

When the holy Rebbe Aaron Hagodol of Karlin composed his legendary Zemer Koh Echsof that is today sung among Yidden around the world, he was asked, ‘where are these words written.’ He replied “in the Sefer Beis Aaron.” 

Chassidim understood that to be a foretelling of the work of his illustrious grandson, the Beis Aaron, also known in Karlin-Stolin as “the Alter Rebbe.” His yohrtzeit falls this Friday, 17 Sivan. 

He was born to his father Rebbe Asher of Stolin—the son of Rebbe Aaron Hagadol of Karlin, the founder of the Karlin-Stoliner Chassidus—in the year 1802.

In 1827, at the age of 25, he was appointed Rebbe, and under his leadership, the Chassidus would grow exponentially. During his lifetime, he was known as the greatest of Admorim in the region of Lithuania-Wohlin, where the Karlin-Stoliner chassidus was centered. During his leadership, numerous chassidim in shtetlach throughout the region joined the ranks of Karliner chassidim. He also helped renovate the shul of Rebbe Mendele of Vitebsk (talmid of the Ba’al Shem Tov) in Teveria, which is today the Stoliner Shul. 

In 1865, he moved his court to the nearby town of Stolin. 

The Beis Aaron was also very active in doing for the yishuv in Eretz Yisroel, sending chassidim to live there, and gathering funds to support the settlement. During his time, the Beis Aaron shul in the old city of Yerushalayim was purchased, and it continued to serve the chassidim there for many years. 

The holy Sefer Beis Aaron is one of the greatest chassidic works, comprised of much deep Kabbalah, and exhorts us toward cleaving to Hashem, and serving Him with fire and with joy. Among the hanhogos that he urged his chassidim to undertake was: “To be joyful, and that it shall be precious in his eyes, everything that one does in the service of Hashem—and to resolve that one would not sell this awesome privilege for all the money in the world” 

On Shabbos parshas B’ha’aloscha, days before he left the world, he alluded to the “cloud [which guided the Yidden in the Midbar] moving on… connecting this teaching to the neshamah ascending to Olam habbah. His references would become clear days later. 

The Beis Aaron left this world en route from Karlin to Sadigura, for the wedding of his grandson. He was interred in the Ukrainian town of Malinov (near Dubna). For many years, a simple roof covered the place where his burial place was thought to be—until the foundations of the ohel were discovered, and a permanent ohel was erected above it. The tziyun has since served as a place of prayer and salvation, especially for Karlin-Stoliner chassidim. 

His three children were: His son and successor, Rebbe Osher of Stolin, the Rebbetzin of Rebbe Dovid of Zlatipole (a son of Rebbe Yochanan of Rachmastrivka), and Rebbe Avrohom Yaakov of Sadigura, zy”a. 

Descendants of the Beis Aaron today include the Stoliner and Loitzker Rebbe’s, who are grandsons of Rebbe Yochanan of Stolin, who was a great-grandson of the Beis Aaron. Also, the Rebbes of Sadiger, Bohush, and Boyan—who descend from his son in law, Rebbe Avrohom Yaakov of Sadigura. 

These holy descendants, as well as the chassidim who continue to learn and be inspired by the Sefer Beis Aaron, and the tzaddik’s other teachings, are the embodiment of his living legacy. 

In the photos attached, we see the temporary structure, as well as the current permanent ohel. 

Zechusoi Yogein Aleinu. 

Living Legacy explores the lives and legacies of tzaddikim of yore whose aura is felt to this day. It is a special project of Comments or suggestions may be emailed to [email protected]

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