Live Blog: Coronavirus Updates Monday, March 30, 2020

Live Blog: Coronavirus Updates Monday, March 30, 2020
This is a stickied post and will be regularly updated with the latest news and updates from Boro Park due to the global Coronavirus pandemic.

Mayor Bill de Blasio says that “in all likelihood,” it doesn’t look like NYC public schools will reopen this school year. They’re slated to open April 20. “I do unfortunately believe the likelihood right now is that we lose the whole school year,” he told PIX11.

Monday  March 23, 2020, 11:00 AM
Tehillim Needed: Reb Avrohom “Romi” Cohn, a famous mohel and Holocaust survivor, is hospitalized with the coronavirus. Please daven for Avrohom ben Malka.

Monday  March 23, 2020, 10:45 AM

New York State now at over 20k positive Coronavirus cases. Gov Cuomo says there are now 20,875 confirmed cases statewide. 12,305 cases in NYC. Hospitalization rate is 13%.

Sunday  March 22, 2020, 4:00 PM

Tehillim Needed: Reb Aharon Mordechai Katz, a former pre1a rebbi at Veretzki and a Boro Park resident, is hospitalized with the coronavirus. Please daven for Aharon Mordechai ben Golda

Sunday  March 22, 2020, 3:00 PM

NYC Ferry released modified schedule for those in need of commuting for essential businesses and healthcare workers

Thursday  March 19, 2020, 11:02 AM

The latest restrictions in NY: Gov. Cuomo says businesses may only have 25 percent of their regular workforce on the job as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases rises to 4,152, with 777 hospitalized.

Thursday  March 19, 2020, 1:02 AM Kloizenberg calls on all their people to Daven at home on weekdays and Shabbos Kodesh until further notice.

Wednesday  March 18, 2020, 4:04 PM


As per our Governor’s Executive Order, this morning all of NJ Higher Ed and NJ public school districts and private schools closed.

BMG closed this morning. We ended the Z’man, notified all our Talmidim of that, and sent our Bochurim home. We further closed our dormitories.

This morning we still allowed very small groups, under careful size and condition monitoring, into our buildings, and sought further guidance from the State.
Although the State of NJ is not requiring this of us, effective now we are wholly shutting all our buildings down.

The Roshei Yeshiva have asked that all daven at home and learn at home.

May we see Refuah for all those ill, Shemira for those at risk and for us all, and the restoration of public Limud Hatorah and Tefilla to Klal Yisroel.

Thank you,

Rabbi Aaron Kotler
President and Chief Executive Officer
Beth Medrash Govoha

Wednesday  March 18, 2020,2:05 PM

Hatzolah finally calling for everything to be shut down, including shuls, yeshivas, mikvaos, schools, shiurim and public gatherings.

Tuesday March 18, 2020,1:02 AM

Khal Bris Avrum Zlozit announced that they will close the Shul until further notice due to Coronavirus

Tuesday March 17, 2020,11:22 PM

The Rachmastrivka beis medrash on 45th Street between 11th and 12th avenues, became the latest to be shut, tefillos will be only in the hallway.

Tuesday March 17, 2020,11:29 PM

New York City now has 923 confirmed cases according to Mayor de Blasio, that’s a signifact jump since this morning’s 644 reported cases. Mayor also says there are now 10 deaths related to coronavirus.

Tuesday March 17, 2020, 6:01 PM

NYC sends out emergency alert asking people to signup for Covid-19 updates

Tuesday March 17, 2020, 4:10 PM

Shloimy’s Bakery says it will no longer have self serving products, all items will be packed in bags/containers or behind a counter.

Tuesday March 17 2020, 2:55 PM

Alternate side parking is suspended in NYC starting tomorrow through at least Tuesday, March 24th.

Monday March 16, 2020, 2:55 PM

New York – Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order closing all schools in New York state, including private schools such as yeshivas. He charged local school boards with enforcing the order.

Monday March 16, 2020, 3:52 PM

Due to the new state & local law going into affect 8:00pm tonight not allowing any gatherings more then 50 people see updated daily Simchas with new time schedule


Monday March 16, 2020, 3:32 PM

BREAKING – President Trump is asking that people avoid gatherings of more than ten people.

Monday March 16, 2020, 12:28 AM

Gov Cuomo says NYC now has 463 cases, went up by 134 since yesterday.

Monday March 16, 2020, 10:30 AM

At joint conference call NY, NJ & Connecticut governors all agreed to limit bars, restaurants to take-out services only. All gyms and casinos will close at 8 p.m. Gatherings of more than 50 banned.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 10:00PM:

NYC Mayor announces executive order effective Tuesday March 17, 9:00am limiting restaurants and other eateries to take out only, and orders entertainment venues to close.


Sunday March 15, 2020, 8:45 PM:

Bobov announced the closure of its Boys and girls school until further notice. In a robocall to parents the Kehila said they are working on a system to set up classes in near future.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 7:05 PM:

Bais Yaakov of Boro Park, the neighborhood’s largest school, became the latest to announce its closure, effective immediately

Sunday March 15, 2020, 5:49 PM:

The FDNY and NYPD will be out in evening strictly enforcing the 50% capacity rule announced last week by the Governor.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 5:47 PM:

NYC Mayor de Blasio also announced that all public school will be closed on Monday until at least April 20th, and possibly till the end of the year.
Online classes will start the following Monday, March 23rd.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 5:46 PM:

In an update provided by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, the mayor confirmed that there are now 329 cases in the City, with a rough breakdown as follows: 78 in Queens, 72 in Manhattan, 53 in Brooklyn, 21 in the Bronx, 16 on Staten Island.

The Mayor also said there are now 5 deaths in the City.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 4:00 PM:
Agudath Israel of America and others have sent multiple alerts delineating hygiene, social distancing, and other steps that every community, shul, school, and individual should implement to minimize their risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19 (coronavirus). Those steps should continue to be followed.
However, with COVID-19, a potentially deadly disease, continuing to spread rapidly throughout the United States and beyond, infectious disease specialists are now strongly recommending extreme measures to severely limit all social or communal gatherings, including closing shuls and schools. These necessary, preventative steps deserve strong consideration, even in communities that have not experienced appreciable incidences of COVID-19. The tipping point has been reached.
Other recommendations:
·     For schools that have closed, all efforts should be made to encourage distance learning. Now is the time to intensify tefillah and limud haTorah, not diminish it.
·     Where shuls have closed, people should not unsafely congregate in house minyanim, as this will defeat the purpose.
·     Mikvaos need not close, but should enhance their cleaning protocols, and should not include any congregating. A woman who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend the mikvah before consulting her doctor and Rav.
Above all else, we should intensify our tefillos to the Rofei Chol Bosor. Sometimes we only appreciate things after they are taken from us. May He lift this plague from the world, safeguard our health, and allow us to serve Him properly.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 2:46 PM:

Assemblyman Eichenstein urges schools and day care centers to review NYS Health Department guidance on cleaning and disinfecting in response to COVID-19, as a service to our readers we have attached the published documents:

Sunday March 15, 2020, 245 PM:

Urbana restaurant on 13-53 is first in Boro Park to close temporarily due to Coronavirus. Says it’s doing so to do “what’s best for the well-being of the collective.”


Sunday March 15, 2020, 1:00 PM:

Gov. Cuomo says New York State has the most cases nationwide at 729 as of Sunday 12:30pm, 69 new cases since day before. 5,200 tests have been conducted to date, with just 442 of those in last 18 hours. An additional death has been reported bringing the total deaths to 3.
Hospitalization rate for those testing positive is at 19% with 137 people in hospital.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 12:52 PM:

Cuomo addressing school closure: “Close the schools? It’s not that easy, it’s not that simple. For many families, the school is child care. If you close the schools and the children are home, a large percentage of the workforce may say I have to stay home and take care of my children.”

Sunday March 15, 2020, 12:50 PM:

Governor Cuomo reiterates for 50% reduction in gatherings. Says state is considering mandatory actions if that doesn’t help. Urges private companies to either voluntary close or require employees to work from home.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 12:39 PM:

Gov. Cuomo at daily updates says two ways to slow the spread, tests, tests and tests and social density reduction. Says automated labs should be able to do 1,000 tests per day, vs 30 if not done automatically.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 12:34 PM:

Bais Yaakov Drav Meir on Seton and Parkville in BP has sent message to parents they are closing for the time being due to Coronavirus

Sunday March 15, 2020, 12:33 PM:

Con Edison is temporarily suspending any shut-offs of gas and electric service due for customer haven’t payment difficulties

Sunday March 15, 2020, 12:31 PM:

USPS says regular postal delivery will continue for now.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 2:15 AM:

A woman has reportedly been tested positive with COVID-19. The Koruv Shul on 19-59 has sent an alert to its members that the woman was in attendance for Megilah Leining on Purim night and day at the Shul, at 9:15pm and 10:15am respectively.

The Shul also asked its members to be on alert and remain home if they have any symptoms.

Sunday March 15, 2020, 12:48 AM:

The Bikur Cholim room at NYU hospital will be closed as of Sunday morning due to Coronavirus. The room will remain closed for the time being.

Friday March 13, 2020, 4:46PM:

Breadberry says it is working on restocking its shelves with most needy items that are in high demand.
Store is also being cleaned and sanitized frequently with extra hygienic practices.


Friday March 13, 2020, 2:10PM:

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein said that people should review these cautionary steps before Shabbos. “As we head into Shabbos and spend more time with one another, please take the time to review these most important steps to keep yourself and your family safe during this pandemic.”


Friday March 13 2020, 1:48PM:

Gov. Cuomo said the number of confirmed cases in New York State has risen to 421, with NYC totaling 154 positive cases, second to Westchester that has 158. NYC has added an additional 59 cases since yesterday.

The governor also said that he believes New York will be able to to conduct 6,000 tests per day starting next week, after President Trump and VP Pence approved the private labs in the state to conduct tests.


Friday March 13 2020, 11:31AM:

President Trump is expected to declare a state of emergency over the coronavirus at a 3 pm press conference, allowing the federal government greater flexibility in allocating aid to states.

Friday March 13 2020, 12:46AM:
Bobov will divide people across multiple locations for Tefiles Shabbos to adhere to new ban on gatherings that include more than 500 people.

Thursday, March 12 2020, 11:36PM:

The MTA issues a humorous warning against believing rumors of shutdowns, saying they’ll be updating riders.

Thursday, March 12 2020, 10:39PM:

19 epidemiologists call on NYC authorities to implement enforced “social distancing” and closing the schools.

Thursday, March 12 2020, 8:15 PM:

Stolin Rebbe instructs all Chasidim to be extremely vigilant and take protective steps to minimize spread of Coronavirus, including directing elderly people or those with underlying conditions to remain home and not come to Shul or other events.

Thursday, March 12 2020, 8:10 PM:

The Bedford Center, a nursing and rehabilitation facility in Williamsburg, is banning all visitors from participating in tefillos, shiurim or events until further notice.

Thursday, March 12 2020, 8:00 PM:

Loft Steakhouse releases statement that they will continue serving customers via dine-in or to-go and will disinfect the restaurant frequently.


Thursday, March 12 2020, 6:20 PM:

Gov. Cuomo’s top aide knocks down rumors of any mass transit system, including the MTA, being shut down over coronavirus fears.



Thursday, March 12 2020, 4:20 PM:

In press conference with updates on Coronavirus information, NYC Mayor de Blasio announces State of Emergency to combat the spread of COVID-19. Says NYC now has 94 confirmed cases included 42 additional cases since day before.


Thursday, March 12 2020, 2:15 PM:

Torah Umesorah released the following statement to local Yeshivas and Day Schools

Thursday, March 12 2020, 2:45 PM:

The Skulen Kehila canceled the first Yuhrtzeit Seuda for the previous Rebbe Ztz”l that was set to take place next week Motzei Shabbos in Kerem Menachem



Thursday, March 12 2020, 2:15 PM:

Gov. Cuomo bans public gatherings of more than 500 people starting Friday.Schools, hospitals, nursing homes and mass transit are excepted from this rule. Cuomo also said gatherings under 500 should only be filled to 50% of capacity.

At press conference on coronavirus updates, Gov. Cuomo says nursing homes will ban non-medical personal from visiting patients.
While admitting that the measures “sound very difficult” they are taken to protect those most vulnerable to the virus. “If you care about someone in a nursing home, the last thing you want is to endanger that person,” the governor said.

Thursday, March 12 2020, 2:08 PM:

New York City public libraries are “suspending public programming and events from Friday, March 13 until Tuesday, March 31,” to support the City’s effort to limit the spread of Novel Coronavirus, Bkyln Public Library said in a statement.


Thursday, March 12 2020, 1:04 PM:
The NYPD’s 66th precinct announced that they will suspend upcoming public events, including the monthly community council meeting for the month of March.

Hatzolah Transfers Buses From the Catskills to NYC to Relieve Strain
  • Mar 30 2020
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  • 2:22 PM

EXCLUSIVE: Viznitz Rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer Hager: Don’t Listen to Forwarded and Unverified Messages
  • Mar 19 2020
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  • 2:06 PM

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