Lelov Rebbe to Visit New York

By Y.M. Lowy
Chassidim of Lelov were overjoyed to hear that the Rebbe will be traveling to New York next week.
The Rebbe, who visits America annually, will depart from his home in Yerushalayim on Sunday, Parshas Yisro. Upon arriving in New York, the Rebbe will first head to Williamsburg.
On the first Shabbos, Parshas Yisro, the Rebbe will spend Shabbos in Monsey, at the new, magnificent building of Yeshiva and Talmud Torah Beis Shraga on Saddle River.
The exact details for the second week of the Rebbe’s visit are still being worked out, including which city the Rebbe Shlita will be in for the second Shabbos, Parshas Mishpatim.