Krasna 8th Graders Visit with Kossover Rebbe in Advance of Shavuos

Krasna 8th Graders Visit with Kossover Rebbe in Advance of Shavuos

by YS Gold 

As we have reported, the Rav Shraga Hager, Kossover Rebbe, shlit”a, is in need of a Refuah sheleiemah. 

The kitah ches talmidim of the Krasna cheder looked for something they could do as a zechus for the Rebbe’s complete recovery, and settled upon the resolution to wash negel vasser in the morning at their bed. 

They visited with the rebbe on Tuesday afternoon, where the rebbe spoke to them about the upcoming Yom Tov and distributed a volume of Tikkun Leil Shavuos to each of them.

Photos by: Avrohom Moshe S.

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