Kossover Rebbe Will Spend Shabbos in the Pshevorsker Court

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As we have reported here on BoroPark24, the Kossover Rebbe is traveling to Germany one week out of each of the next seven months to undergo treatment which will give him strength for many years to come, be’ezras Hashem.
For this coming Shabbos, Shabbos Parshas Yisroi - Kabulas Hatorah, the Rebbe will make the journey from Germany to Antwerp, Belgium, to spend Shabbos together with the Pshevorsker Rebbe witnessing from a close distance the Avodah of the Rebbe, to which so many Yiden travel for various Shabbosim throughout the year.
He will then return from Belgium to his home in Boro Park.
Klal Yisroel as one are keeping the Rebbe's name, Harav Shrage Favish ben Malka, in our Tefilos and Kapitlech Tehilem, davening for a complete and fast Refuah Shleimah.