Kossover Rebbe to Undergo Treatment in Germany as Health Condition Improves

Kossover Rebbe to Undergo Treatment in Germany as Health Condition Improves

YS Gold 

Following a few years since his diagnosis with the machlah, the Kossover Rebbe informed his chassidim that his condition has baruch Hashem improved, and that he will be undergoing treatment in Germany to give him more strength. 

In a letter to the chassidim, the Rebbe thanked them for their tefillos. “I have no doubt that it is only in the merit of your tefillos, and the good resolutions that you have taken upon yourselves, that things have changed for the better. 

The Rebbe explained that now that the he has been mostly healed from his illness, he will be traveling to Germany one week out of each of the next seven months to undergo treatment which will give him strength for many years to come, be’ezras Hashem. 

Writing further, the Rebbe turns to the chassidim with a request to continue their tefillos and good resolutions, which it is the nature to neglect as time goes by. “Please pour out your hearts in tefillah on my behalf,” the Rebbe asks, “for, as you know, all these efforts in the medical realm are only mere hishtadlus, while the main thing that brings healing is learning Torah and going in its ways.” 

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