Kossover Rebbe Calls for Three Days for Torah and Tefillah “To Bring Moshiach”

YS Gold
This past Sunday, at the Rosh Chodesh tisch that he conducted in his beis Medrash, the Kossover Rebbe, shlit”a, spoke about the efforts of Klal Yisroel to bring Moshiach, and noted that if Klal Yisroel would gather for three days designated exclusively to Torah and tefillah, Hakodosh Baruch Hu will certainly send us Moshiach speedily.
He recalled the story of Esther Hamalka who called for the gathering of all the Yidden to fast and immediately thereafter the salvation came. “The same applies today: If everyone would gather for three days of Torah and tefillah, Moshiach will come with great joy.”
In other news, the Kossover Rebbe left on Monday for ongoing treatment in Germany. Today, there is an atzeres tefillah in the Kossover Beis Medrash for the complete refuah sheleimah of the Rebbe, Rav Shraga Feivish Ben Malka.