King David once again hits off mega Chanukah event

Have you heard about the King David pre-Chanukah event? Have you received your King David Chanukah box? I did, and let me tell you about the experience I had.
On a cold, misty, overcast day when one would rather spend their day indoors, thousands of others like me ventured down to the edge of Brooklyn to pick up the King David Chanukah box. I have heard a lot about these boxes. Friends and family have received the King David Chanukah box in the past and have said how it has truly changed the Chanukah experience in their homes.
So, with all this anticipation and hype, I pulled off the Belt Parkway and onto Cropsey Ave. Turning onto Bay Pkwy, I got in line to receive my Chanukah box. After getting checked in, I moved up toward the pickup point when The King David Zeidy, a jolly and warm elderly gentleman, greeted me. Meeting King David Zeidy only added to the warmth and excitement. While I waited, Berry Weber was performing. What a treat!
After a short wait, I was ready to pick up my box. Boro Park Shomrim (BSSP) were present and directed traffic while ensuring a seamless flow, and they directed me to go to a station. As I pulled in, one of the
Shomrim volunteers placed the King David Chanukah box into my car. That was it; I finally had my very own King David Center Chanukah box!
Intrigued by the mega event, I drove up, parked, and needed to see all that was going on up front for myself. I had never experienced such an event so well organized, fun, and entertaining for the whole family, even on a cold and overcast day.
I observed the cars moving up and receiving the box. It was touching to see how excited and happy the kids and parents were with all that was going on. Kids were bopping up and down to Berry Weber’s music while simultaneously jumping for joy to be receiving their very own King David Chanukah box. Shomrim and the King David staff were working quickly and efficiently to ensure everyone got their box, all while keeping the line moving.
I was in true awe. I asked some of the families as they were pulling out what their favorite part of the event was, and all of them said the event itself. The Shapiro family from Boro Park said their kids created a
countdown on the calendar until the day that they would be picking up their Chanukah box. I asked the kids what part was their favorite, and all of them said the Zeidy! They loved the Zeidy because it reminded them of their own loving Zeidy.
King David Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation has created what I believe to be the community's event of the year. Here you had families from all over Brooklyn and the New York Metro area
lining up with their families to get their King David Chanukah box; even some people from NJ made the trip and said it was well worth it. What was warming to see was the smiles on everyone’s faces and the
diversity. The children, the parents, the volunteers, the staff, and most of all King David Zeidy! It made me think of my Zeidy and my fond memories of spending yomim tovim, especially Chanukah, with him and my Bubby.
So amazed by the events outside King David, I ventured inside and was blown away by the beautiful state-of-the-art and welcoming facility that awaited me. The staff all had smiles and greeted me warmly.
Before leaving the event, I opened my Chanukah box and was genuinely amazed at how each item was so detailed and creative. There is a bag for each night of Chanukah that is beautifully designed and includes
fun and interactive games. Most remarkable of all is the dancing Zeidy.
After seeing everything, it truly told how King David Center is there to serve the community. King David Center indeed has shown how they not only take pride in their work in helping and caring for our
Bubbies and Zeidie’s, but they love doing this work. King David Center showed that they embody the posuk of “you shall rise before your elders and show deference to our seniors”.