Joy in the Courts of Bobov-45 and Rachmastrivka as Shidduch is Celebrated

Joy in the Courts of Bobov-45 and Rachmastrivka as Shidduch is Celebrated

By: Yehuda Alter.

This afternoon, joy is felt in the courts of Bobov-45 and Rachmastrivka, as grandchildren of Rebbeim of these courts became engaged.

The chosson is Shloime Benzion Shternbuch, the son of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Shternbuch (Rosh Yeshiva of Viznitz-Gibbers), who is the son-in-law of the Admor of Bobov-45. The chosson is the grandson of Rav Osher Chaim Shternbuch, who is a rov and dayan in Antwerp. He is a great-grandson of Rav Dovid Spiegel, the Ostrov-Kalushiner Rebbe of Cedarhurts.

The Kallah is the daughter of Rav Mordechai Rubin, the son of the Sulitza Rebbe in Far Rockaway, who is the son-in-law of Rav Berel Twersky, the Rachmastrivka Rov in Lakewood, a son of the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, and the son in law of the Strelisker Rebbe.

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