In Tribute: Rav Amrom Roth, zt”l

In Tribute: Rav Amrom Roth, zt”l

YS Gold 

As we enter the week of shivah for Rav Amrom Roth, zt”l, Hamarader Rov, one of Boro Park’s distinguished poskim who passed away on the first night of Sukkos, BoroPark24 pays tribute to this ga’on and tzaddik who lived in our midst. He was 62 years of age, and had suffered from the bitter illness for a number of years. 

Rav Amrom was the son of the legendary tzaddik and posek, Rav Yechezkel Roth, zt”l, one of our generation’s preeminent poskim, who passed away in recent years. He was raised in an atmosphere steeped in Torah and deep yiras Shamayim. He spent his formative years learning under great Rosh Yeshiva and marbitzei Torah, growing in his depth and breadth of Torah knowledge. 

He married the daughter of Rav Nosson Yosef Meisels, a legendary figure within the Satmar chassidus, and longtime Rosh Yeshiva of the Satmar Yeshiva—a testament to Rav Amrom’s Torah greatness and yiras Shamayim. 

Over the years, he followed in the footsteps of his illustrious father, opening Khal Heichal Moshe-Hamarad in Boro Park—a place that became an outpost of Torah and tefillah for the entire neighborhood.  

The Rov was a great posek and a prominent ba’al machshir for a number of establishments in the area. 

He merited to have illustrious sons and sons-in-law who continued in his ways. 

Rav Roth was stricken with the dreaded illness about three years ago, and suffered immensely before returning his purified neshamah to its Maker on the first night of Sukkos. 

The Levaya was held on motzei Shabbos chol hamoe’d at the Hamarad Beis Medrash in Boro Park, and the niftar was flown to be buried alongside his illustrious father in the holy city of Meron. 

Yehi zichro baruch. 

BDE: Reb Hershel Gluck, z”l
  • Oct 27 2024
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  • 12:17 PM

BDE: Reb Chaim Yekusiel Reichberg, z”l
  • Oct 22 2024
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  • 4:52 PM

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