Iconic Tuv Taam Fish Store Under New Ownership, Aims to Transform Experience

By: Yehuda Alter
One of Boro Park’s oldest fish markets has been acquired by Bentzy Miller, a young Boro Park businessman. He spoke with Boropark24 about his vision to take a tradition of service and freshness that has been built over decades and bring it into the 2020’s.
“R’ Leiby Fasten, the founder and longtime proprietor, was retiring, and I was looking for a business to buy and invest in and grow. I had been eyeing Tuv Taam for a while, and b’chasdei Hashem, we were fortunate to acquire it,” Bentzy says.
“They have always been known for fast delivery and fresh fish, and we are only looking to continue this tradition–but there is so much that we want to build upon this,” he said.
Tuv Taam Fish will soon be offering–in the store–Herring, appetizing, cooked and cured fish, as well as platters, and a host of other fish-related delicacies.
As part of taking over the establishment, the new owner has renovated the facade of the store in a catchy sea-themed design. “It is our contribution to this neighborhood,” Bentzy says. “This area of New Utrecht and 48th Street is a commercial area, and we serve many people from this area and beyond. We want Tuv Taam to remain a recognizable icon in the neighborhood, while modernizing and serving the customers in a 21st-century manner.”