HISTORY: Boyaner Rebbe Will Light Publicly on Historic, Centuries'-Old Menorah

By: Yehuda Alter
Great excitement in the court of the Boyaner Rebbe shlit"a as the news comes that the menorah of the "Alter Rebbe" of Sadigura will be making its way across the Atlantic in honor of Chanukah this year and that the Rebbe will be lighting the unique masterpiece in the Boyaner Kloiz.
The Rebbe has lit on this menorah on previous occasions in the 1990's. Since that time, the Rebbe has been using the menorah of his grandfather and predecessor, Rebbe Mordechai Shlomo of Boyan.
The Rebbe is descended from the Sadigerer Rebbe, and the menorah has been bequeathed from generation to generation in the family, where it remains to this day. Much effort has been made to bring the menorah over for this Chanukah.
The design of the menorah is unique and beautiful, and Chassidim have modeled numerous Judaica artifacts, such as Aron Kodesh and Kisei Shel Eliyahus, after this precious artifact which will be lit by the Rebbe on the fourth night of Chanukah in the central Kloiz in Yerushalayim.