Heichal Hatalmud Rewarded a Trip to California After Completing Mesechtas Yevamos

Heichal Hatalmud Rewarded a Trip to California After Completing Mesechtas Yevamos

Rabbi Eisenberger Shlita, the rosh yeshiva of Heichal Hatalmud, rewarded his talmidem this bein hazmanim with a special trip to the deserts of California after they completed the entirety of Mesechtas Yevamos.

On their trip, the talmidem enjoyed a change of scenery and culture while they continued to shteig straight through bein hazmanim. 

The highlight of the trip was their visit to the Herzog Winery. Rabbi Eisenberger, who had a special relationship with his elte zeida, the late Reb Yonah Herzog zt"l, was happy for the yeshiva to see the wine-making process first hand.

While there, the bachurim delved into the many subjects in the Torah & Halacha that relate to Grapes & Wine. 

The Herzog Family graciously hosted the Bachurim and besides preparing a beautiful seuda, the Hertzog's gave them an extensive and detailed tour of the winery.

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