HCS Provides Productive Entertainment

Quarantine is not easy.
For the families of children with special needs, the challenge intensifies. The lack of routine and structure that the children are accustomed to is gone and that puts a strain on the entire family.
Due to safety regulations, HCS cannot keep their facilities open. That doesn’t mean that they forgot about the families under their care.
HCS is making every effort to keep the families entertained while maintaining the skills they have acquired until now.
The spectacular art packages that have been hand delivered to every HCS family served a dual purpose. To entertain the family productively while building the fine motor skills within a creative framework.
The families of HCS were overjoyed at the art windfall that entered their front door. They set out to create some art magic and spent quality family time amidst a flurry of creativity.
“You should’ve seen the smiles on my kids’ faces while they checked out the art treasures you sent. You have a hand in creating beautiful family memories. Thank you, HCS.”
HCS looks forward to reopening their services as soon as deemed safe to do so. In the meantime, they will provide their families with the utmost support.
Photos by: Avrumi Blum