Hatzolah Thanks Boro Park Residents for the Support Provides During the Last Few Months

Hatzolah of Boro Park has released a heartwarming letter of thanks addressed to the Boro Park community where the coordinators and members express their gratitude to the community for showing appreciation and strong support during these last few months as COVID-19 has ravaged through the community.
No justice will do more than publishing the letter in full. We write these lines on behalf of all Hatzolah of Boro Park members in response to the outpouring of appreciation and support that we have been receiving from our dear community.
The last months have been the most trying and agonizing months that Hatzolah has ever experienced, as our world imploded. Fear, suffering and even death visited our homes. Yet, along with the shock and the pain came the most heartwarming outpouring of love and support from you, which has solidified the bond that has always been there, the deep connection between us and the community we serve.
As we donned our masks and suits, as we dashed into our ambulances and flew from one suffering patient to another, we felt ourselves being carried and borne along. It was not our own strength that transported us; it was the feelings of our community as we were carried by your gratitude and support and even more so, by your prayers and tears for us and for the patients we were caring for. It was as if Klal Yisrael turned into one pulsing, praying, hoping circle of strength and this was an unbelievably humbling and gratifying experience.
We would like to note with gratitude those who stepped forward to show their appreciation with words, notes, letters, gifts, treats, snacks, signs, and all other messages of love and support that were sent our way. Seeing how much we mean to all of you has given our Avodas Hakodesh even more meaning and for that we thank you.
If Covid-19 has taught us one thing, it has taught us the beauty of Klal Yisrael in their finest hours. Though together with our community we have experienced exquisite pain, we have also felt the deep, immutable connection that binds us all together with ropes of exquisite love. It has been an honor and a privilege for us, Hatzolah members, to be a part of this remarkable display of Ahavas Yisrael.
Thank you for all you have showered us with, dear brothers and sisters. We feel fortunate to be able to serve you and it is our most fervent hope that Hashem gives us the wherewithal and strength to be able to do so, in only good, happy and healthy times, until the arrival of Mashiach, may it be very soon.