Number of Sick Back to Pre-Covid Levels in Boro Park

Boro Park - The coronavirus swept into Boro Park two months ago, leaving a trail of hundreds of dead people. Young children lost their parents, wives lost their husbands, survivors of the Holocaust or 9/11 met their end at the hand of a microscopic germ and couples and generations of the same families died within days of each other.
People are still dying, but the number of new cases has largely ended, has learned. Calls to Hatzolah are back to normal, as it was before the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
The streets of Boro Park bear witness to that. People are milling around and there is pressure mounting on Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio to allow stores to open and shuls to start tefillos.
Public health specialists fear a second wave if social distancing restrictions are relaxed. They note that previous pandemics, such as the Spanish Flu of 1918, came and went in waves. That could happen here if people don't stay six to eight feet from each other and wear face masks in public places.