Hadran Alach ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’!
By Rabbi Eliezer Sandler
This most enigmatic sign - even to Talmidei Chachamim - was emblazoned on the screen at the D-City complex in Ma’ale Adumim last week. All 300 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Perl and all the talmidei chachamim present were familiar with the first two words – they are recited at the conclusion of each tractate of the Talmud, or the conclusion of the entire Talmud. However, this sign declares the conclusion of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ - the entire breadth of Torah scholarship! Yes, this gathering was to celebrate just that. The questions that all asked were: Who defined what ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ encompasses and how is this possible?
This is the great legacy of the Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Hagadol Harav Chaim Kanievsky, ztk”l. The ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ project includes the following works PLUS their commentaries: The 24 sifrei Tanach, Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi, Shishah Sidrei Mishnah, the Zohar, Tosefta, Sifra, Sifrei, all the Midrashim, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch and halachic works through to modern times and Sifrei Mussar.
Amid great splendor and grandeur, the Siyum of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ (the Entire Torah) was celebrated. Hundreds of talmidei chachamim fully proficient in Shas and Poskim had toiled for a full year, studying the entire Torah in all its parts. They all participated in a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership with the philanthropist Reb Shlomo Perl of Lawrence, NY. To celebrate the simcha, Mr. and Mrs. Perl were accompanied by their family and many guests from America to be part of this unique celebration in the festively adorned hall.
The Perls’ ‘partners’ in the celebration are all brilliant talmidei chachamim who studied every page of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ in the names of Mr. and Mrs. Perl.
The renowned Mashpia Hagadol Harav Hagaon Elimelech Biderman, shlit”a, electrified the gathering with his address. He declared that the ongoing ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ projects, instituted by Harav Hagaon Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, the Pozna Rov, is a remarkable innovation, ‘unprecedented in this generation’. The Yissachar-Zevulun agreement, under which the 'Yissachars' study ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ in the merit of the 'Zevulun' who supports their learning. Harav Chaim Kanievsky, not only prepared the list of all the sefarim to be included in the learning program, but also paskened (ruled) that the Konei Torah (Torah-learning sponsors) are ‘bona fide partners' in the learning itself – meaning that all the learning is attributed as if they learned it themselves, too!
This amazing initiative and its zechus, endorsed by the Sar Hatorah, is what encourages individuals who are blessed with the means to do so, to seek this unique Torah partnership. The zechus of the current cycle of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ is that of Reb Shlomo Perl, sheyicheh, from America, with the entire cycle of learning named after him and his wife Mrs. Ruth Perl, shetichyeh.
Maranan v’Rabbanan
The audience stood with great excitement to welcome Maran Hagaon Hagadol Harav Moshe Sternbuch, shlit”a. He was full of great praise of the idea of the unique learning and the completing ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’.
The renowned Maggid, Harav Hagaon Baruch Rosenblum, shlit”a, delivered an inspiring drashah in praise of the lomdei Torah and konei Torah. He highlighted the words of the Chofetz Chaim in Ahavas Chesed regarding limiting giving tzedakah to one-fifth of one's wealth when giving to the poor or similar causes. However, a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership is considered as a business venture, an investment in acquiring Torah learning and, similarly therefore, there is no limit as to what one is permitted to invest in a business, even if he invests all his money!
The Admor Harav Refael Abuchatzeira, shlit”a, was warmly received and graced the event with his presence, and delivered wonderful words in praise of the lomdei Torah and konei Torah.
The Skverer Rebbe, shlit”a, sent a letter of divrei brachah to the gathering and which was read on behalf of the Rebbe by his trusted aide Rabbi Shalom Ber Fishel. The Toldos Aharon Rebbe, shlit”a, also attended the Siyum.
‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’
The guests listened to the moving words of the mesayem, Reb Shlomo Perl, who described the sequence of events of his involvement in the project:
"A year ago, in the days leading up to Shavuos, I heard about the wonderful idea and opportunity offered by the Pozna Rov. Namely, the possibility of acquiring the learning of the entire Shas through the 'Yissachar-Zevulun' arrangement. I immediately knew - 'I’m in.' Within a week, the Pozna Rov arrived at my office with a 'Yissachar-Zevulun' contract, and I was extremely happy with the investment. However, a few days later, I learned that there was also an option to purchase the learning of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ through a similar arrangement, and which would count, like with the Shas, as if I had learned all of it myself! Moreover, as is recorded in the shtar confirmed by Maran Harav Chaim, after arichus yamim v’shanum, when I come to olam ha’emes, I will have the zechus to sit and learn in the yeshiva shel ma’alah, not only with the Sar Hatorah, but also with the Tannaim and Amoraim, the Rishonim and the Acharonim. I told the Pozna Rov, 'I want the whole Torah, not just Shas.' And indeed, the Pozna Rov arrived with a special 'Yissachar-Zevulun' document written according to the text dictated by Sar HaTorah Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt"l.
Hakoras Hatov
Turning to the Pozna Rov, Reb Shlomo said, "The Gemara says at the beginning of Bava Basra, 'Greater is the one who facilitates an action than the one who performs it.' Pozna Rov, this saying of Chazal was said about you! You have granted us this wonderful and immense zechus. My family and I are filled with gratitude to you. It is impossible to imagine the magnitude of the zechuyos that you have bestowed upon us, and we are deeply thankful for it.
"My partners, the dear avreichim talmidei chachamim - over the last year we were indeed partners. You learned in my name and for my sake. I owe you much gratitude. I thank your wives and your families for allowing you to dedicate yourself to this special learning for many hours every day, on Shabbos and Yom Tov, during vacation time, and at all other available times, to be able to accomplish ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ in just one year. There are truly no words to adequately thank you for the immense zechus you have granted me!"
The Moving Siyum
Emotions were high when the Mashpia Hagadol Reb Elimelech, shlit”a, rose to speak. He recalled the stirring words of the Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, referring to Chazal: When a person goes to his eternal rest, it is announced on High, ‘Praised is the one who comes with his learning (Talmudo) in hand," meaning that whatever Torah one learned in this world, he will be able to learn it in the yeshivah shel ma'alah. However, what one did not learn here, they will not be able to understand, even in the yeshivah shel ma'alah.
My friends, we have here in our midst, a Yid – Reb Shlomo - who will take his place in the yeshivah shel ma'alah, and all that will be studied there will be familiar to him. He will not be missing any part of the holy Torah. Simply, he had the zechus to learn ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ – the Entire Torah! The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh states, even one who has made a kinyan to purchase the learning of Torah has the zechus and will understand in the yeshivah shel ma'alah when they learn what he has learned!"
3 Generations
Great excitement was palpable through the hall when Reb Shlomo’s two sons and his grandson ascended the dais to make siyumim on masechtos of Bava Kamma and Bava Metzia, which they had studied as part of the ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ framework. Reb Shlomo had tears as he watched them following in his footsteps. He was overcome with a deep understanding of what is essential in the life of a Yid and what is secondary.
They were followed by Reb Shlomo who ascended to recite the Siyum, saying, "Hadran Alach Maseches Niddah v’’Kol Hatorah Kulah’ - We shall return to you; our mind is on you; and you on us. You shall not be forgotten by us, and we shall not be forgotten by you, not in this world and not in the world to come." A shudder passed through the audience as they heard these sublime and wonderful words.
Reb Shlomo recited the brachah Shehecheyanu, with the Shem umalchus (he had purchased a new garment for the occasion to permit the recitation of the full bracha). He was emotional and his voice broke during the brachah and as he struggled to finish the brachah, tears of joy ran down his cheeks. At this point, there was not a dry eye in the hall
Am I the Naïve One?
The event was concluded with a powerful address by Hagaon Harav Nisan Kaplan, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Da'as Aharon. "For several months now, I have been learning in chavrusa with my dear friend Reb Shlomo. Honestly, at first, I thought I was doing him a favor by learning with him, but now I realize that I am in chavrusa with someone who has already learned ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’. It is he who is doing me a kindness by agreeing to learn together with me."
Harav Kaplan mentioned that Reb Shlomo had asked him a question that troubled him greatly: “How is it possible that there are not hundreds, if not dozens, of benefactors lining up at the door of the Pozna Rav to purchase ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’?
"Am I the naïve one? This ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ is an enormous zechus. There is no shortage of Yidden blessed with wealth. Why aren't they coming forward to do what I did? They should all be jumping at the opportunity to merit ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’, when all they need is a commitment of funds, something which, baruch Hashem, they do not lack...
"I told Reb Shlomo, and I say to you, my friends, to merit ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’, one needs to have a special zechus. Not everyone merits this! Not everyone who has been blessed with wealth can merit and purchase with their money the privilege of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’. This zechus belongs only to a select few - those who value the Torah with all their heart, those who support talmidei chachomim consistently, and those who honor talmidei chachamim without expecting them to honor them back because of his money. A special and fine person like Reb Shlomo, is one who can merit such a wonderful and unique opportunity!"
Mifal Kol Hatorah Kulah - The Legacy of the Sar HaTorah
In a fascinating address, Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky, shlit”a, beloved son of Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Hagadol Harav Chaim Kanievsky ztk"l, gave personal testimony of how his father came to formulate the learning plan for the ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ project.
The project is the brainchild of the Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Halevi Eisen, shlit”a. At one point, he was concerned whether even a 'Yissachar-Zevulun' pact for ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ could enable the 'Zevulun' to be truly considered as someone who has ‘learned it all’, even if brilliant talmidei chachamim he supports do so in his name?
The Pozna Rov presented this question to Maran Sar HaTorah, who deliberated on the issue until he came to a clear and unequivocal decision.
The Project Unfolds
Harav Yitzchak Shaul shared how the program evolved ‘on his father's shtender’. He described the entire process until his father gave his consent, confirming that when the koneh Torah (Torah purchaser), the Zevulun, would reach Heaven after his passing, it will be considered as if he himself had learned Kol Hatorah Kulah’! This decision was not taken lightly. Rav Chaim asked to revisit the matter again and again, until he signed a remarkable letter confirming this conclusion.
"Some four years ago, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen conceived the brilliant idea of the ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ project. However, before it was made public, he came to my father zt"l and presented the proposal. We deliberated at length with my father zt"l and explored the issue:
“The Rema writes in Hilchos Talmud Torah that one who is unable to learn Torah, whether due to inability or lack of understanding, should provide financial support to another who does learn Torah. The zechus of the supporter is that he is considered as if he himself had learned that Torah.
Record it on the Matzeiva
“We asked my father zt"l: What is certain, is that the supporter has a share in the Torah learned by the one he supports, as the Gemara already discusses the 'Yissachar-Zevulun' agreement. The question is whether if, for example, a talmid chacham would be supported to learn the masechta Brachos, does it count for the supporter as if he too learned Brachos himself? Bottom line - when he comes to Heaven, will it be considered that he learned Brachos, or will he only have the merit of facilitating someone else to learn it?
“My father zt"l paskened (ruled) that since the Rema writes that it is considered as if he himself had learned it, which means that the 'Zevulun' learns every word that the 'Yissachar' learns.
“Therefore, the idea proposed by Harav Eisen, shlit”a, to make a special agreement to learn ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’, was very pleasing to my father and he reviewed and signed the shtar (document).”
In fact, the Sar Hatorah paskened in writing to the Pozna Rov, that a Zevulun who had acquired Torah through a Yissachar-Zevulun pact, could have that Torah learning recorded on his matzeiva that the Zevulun had learned it in this world.
Until Rav Chaim’s Last Breath
Harav Yitzhak Shaul noted that “the first shtar of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ that my father zt"l signed, stated that the learning of that ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ cycle was to be completed on 17 Adar II 5782, exactly a year after the signing. My friends, that turned out to be the very day that my father zt"l was laid to rest!
“It was as if, he did not permit his pure body to come into contact with the clods of earth in his grave as long as his legacy ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah' had not been consolidated for future generations with its first Siyum!
“Chazal say that sometimes Hashem waits for a person to perform a certain mitzvah before taking his neshama, such as where great Gedolei Yisroel make the brocha Shehakol before their passing. It seems as if Hashem was waiting for my father to accomplish this zechus too, so that ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ could be learned within a year under the 'Yissachar-Zevulun' agreement, and then he would ascend to the yeshivah shel ma'alah. Tonight’s Siyum is already the third year that ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ has been learned and completed, and is surely a great zechus for my beloved father ztk"l.
“I am grateful to the Pozna Rov, Harav Avrohom Halevi Eisen, who was very beloved by and close to my father zt"l. For years, he would come to my father in Bnei Brak with the rabbanim gaonim of the Shas Yiden network to test them orally throughout Shas.
My father had much pleasure from these visits and encouraged him to open ten such kollelim. Already, Harav Eisen has opened seven kollelim with a complement of 125 brilliant talmidei chachamim geonim, all who know Shas cold. All these zechuyos are to the credit of Harav Eisen. However, at tonight’s Siyum of ‘Kol Hatorah Kulah’ the greatest zchus belongs to the mesayem, the one who read the Hadran and who completed it all, the Zevulun Hagadol, Reb Shlomo Perl, shlit”a.
“Yehi ratzon that after arichas yomim tovim v’shonim, when Reb Shlomo comes to the Olam Ha’emes, they will surely announce before him, “Blessed is he who comes here with his Torah learning in hand” and may he be blessed with an abundance of brachah and hatzlachah in all that he does."