Gerer Chassidim to Gather in Belzer Hall for Slichos Night

By: Boropark24 staff
The first Slichos night has always been an auspicious and awesome night in the Gerer chassidus, as it is by all of Klal Yisroel.
A special, haunting melody is sung for the words of “Bemotzuei Menucha,” beginning this holy season of teshuvah and the days of awe.
While Gerer chassidim generally daven in small groups in various shtiblech around town, this year they will all gather under one roof at the enormous Belzer Talmud Torah
In addition to slichos, they will hear words of inspiration from mashpi’im within the chassidus, and from the Gerer Rov of the American Community, Rav Hershel Rottenberg.