GAS PRICES: Boro Park-Williamsburg bus to raise single ride fares to $4.00, beginning Sunday.

GAS PRICES: Boro Park-Williamsburg bus to raise single ride fares to $4.00, beginning Sunday.

By: Boropark24 Staff

As gasoline prices continue skyrocket to unprecedented levels, and inflation levels likewise breaking records, the price increases are affecting yet another area of Boro Park life.

The Boro Park-Williamsburg bus company has been a feature for commuters between the two heimishe metropolises for close to forty years.

Friday morning, they announced that it would raise the price pf a single ride from $3.50 to $4.00.

A notice on the company’s answering machine said: “Due to the situation with gasoline, that it went up so drastically, we are forced to raise the price temporarily to $4.00 a ride. As of Sunday, May 8, the price will be $4.00 a ride.”

This is a far cry from the $2.00 fare that many in the community still remember from only within the last decade, as the country continues to see prices in every single area of the economy go way up.

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