Flatbush Shas Yiden Know Shas ‘Cold’ At Eretz Yisroel Farher
By BoroPark24 Staff
The Shas Yiden Phenomenon
It was time for the annual Farher & Siyumim of what has become the International Shas Yiden Network of Kollelim. The avreichim geonim who really know gantz Shas (the entire Shas) from one end to the other – including all the Gemora, Rashi, Tosfos, plus rishonim and acharonim. And among them are those who know Shas Yerushalmi and many who know shu”tim (responsa) of rishonim and acharonim.
There has also been an incredible growth among the number of avreichim geonim, so that as of this date, Shas Yiden, is a true etz chaim (Tree of Life) and comprises 7 branches - five in Eretz Yisroel, one in London, UK and one in Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY.
Shas Yiden is the product of the vision of the Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, who has built an amazing and unique program for hand-picked avreichim geonim. Based on a unique study method, the program has proven itself beyond all expectations and is lauded by the Gedolim across Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora.
In its framework, each one of these avreichim geonim has been able to become a Shas Yid, from beginning to end, with an incredible detailed and in-depth knowledge of Shas. It demands an unceasing regimen of 9 blatt plus 4 revisions daily, regular detailed exams – weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. The final is on the entire Shas! As a result, the avreichim geonim study every volume and page with a ‘fine toothcomb’ – thus, Shas five times a year!
Remarkable Double Farher - Haflei va’felleh
In the 16 years since the establishment of Shas Yiden, under the guidance of Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Hagadol ‘Reb Chaim’ Kanievsky, zt”l, the Nasi of Shas Yiden, at the completion of the annual cycle of learning Shas, it has become a tradition to have a detailed Shas farher followed by a siyum. (Rather Siyumim, as each of the avreichim geonim will have completed Shas multiple times that year!) For years, Reb Chaim would conduct the farher himself, enjoying the immediate and accurate responses of the avreichim geonim and the ‘give-and-take’ with them. Today the number of Shas Yiden has reached 126, Boruch Hashem.
As in the past, the attendees included the Gedolei Eretz Yisroel, led by the Gaon Yisroel, Maran Harav Dov Lando, shlit”a, Rosh Yehiva Slabodka, Bnei Brak. He presented the avreichim geonim with a searching string of questions from all over Shas – Moed, Nashim and Nezikin, and then Zeraim, Kodashim and Taharos.
Among the questions that he presented were: Where do we find that if a father is pasul, he can present his son for marriage and who is kosher, and vice versa? If a man leaves an estate with a lesser amount of money, how can the heir receive a greater amount? How is it possible for a man to betroth a wife whereby she will be forbidden to him as an eishes ish (a married woman)? (To see the Kiddush Hashem farher videos click on www.shasyiden.com.)
When he was confronted with a flood of answers, quoting different sources from across Shas, Rav Lando’s face creased into a beaming smile. He did not hide his great excitement at the incredible knowledge of the avreichim geonim, and kept repeating “Haflei va’felleh”, “Tov Me’od”, “Ashreichem, Atem Yod’im Heitev” (Exceptional and amazing, Very Good, You are to be praised, You Know it well!)
In the Words of Rav Lando
After he spent time debating and discussing with the avreichim geonim, Rav Lando gave words of praise: “The Shas Yiden Network led by the Pozna Rov is outstanding in the study of Torah that protects and saves the Jewish people… the study of Torah in depth and in breath". He also spoke glowingly in praise of the Shas Yiden avreichim geonim and declared, "In their merit and in the merit of the Torah that they study we are saved from all our enemies... Praised are these avreichim, Bnei Torah, who study Torah be’yegiah rabbah u’vi’mesirus (with such great effort and dedication). They have just shown that the entire Shas is as if contained in their pockets!"
Rav Lando then added a special blessing to the philanthropists who had traveled to participate in the magnificent simcha: “These are people who understand the importance of investing wisely, placing their money in the correct places and [in their investment in Shas Yiden] they have acquired for themselves eternal returns. Praised are they who support and stand to the right hand [of Shas Yiden], to bring honor and glory to the Torah. May they all merit nachas from what they have, health, length of days and the coming of the holy redeemer, speedily in our days, amen.”
A Second Dynamic Farher
Hagaon, Harav Moshe Isaac Samet, Rosh Kollel of the Shas Yiden Network, expressed the deep appreciation of the avreichim geonim for the founder, the Pozna Rov. He emphasized the special manner in which the Pozna Rov has taken the words Chaza”l to heart, namely that a person should make signs and a system whereby to be able to remember the Torah. The Pozna Rov developed this concept and idea to implement a widening system that enables the avreichim geonim to remember the entire Shas in a manner that has no precedent and with the kind of results that have not been seen for many generations.
This was the opinion of the Gedolim of our generation, led by the late Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Hagadol ‘Reb Chaim’ Kanievsky, zt”l, who was the gadol omed al gabav (the great one who stands over him) of the Pozna Rov. He encouraged him with his full support to add and increase the efforts for learning, and even guided him to aim at increasing and establishing 10 branches of the Shas Yiden network.
Rav Samet then invited the incredible gaon, Harav Eliezer Dovid Shapiro, shlit”a, a member of the Sanzer Bais Din to farher and debate the avreichim geonim.
Torah Fireworks from Rav Shapiro
For a full hour, Rabbi Shapiro, together with the avreichim geonim, traversed Shas from Gemora Brochos through to the end. He focused essentially on Tosfos throughout Shas, and from time to time referred to the Responsa of the Talmud Yerushalmi, Midrashim, Tur and Shulchan Aruch (all four sections), and even Responsa of Rishonim and Acharonim, such as Terumas Hadeshen, Chacham Tzvi, Noda Bi’Yehuda, Chiddush of Rav Menachem Zemba, etc. Incredibly, in whichever direction Rav Shapiro turned or pointed his questions, the avreichim geonim answered swiftly and to the point, reflecting an encyclopedic Torah knowledge.
Rav Shapiro could not hide his amazement. With tears of excitement in his eyes he turned to the Pozna Rov thanking him for the enormous gift that he has bestowed on the Jewish people - the Shas Yiden network. “It is unique and you have established it with lions of Torah who are fully au fait with all the intricacies of the Torah, and with such total recall."
In order to respond correctly to Rav Shapiro’s questions, an incredible memory of the entire Shas was needed. For example: Which laws were learnt or derived in Shas via svora (logical reasoning). He was not satisfied with just a factual identification. Rather, which Gemoras specifically say that the halacha is derived from a svora, and then they had to clarify regarding which does Rashi say are learned from a svora?
He also asked from where are various principles learned in Shas. Examples: What is the source of a mitzvah haba’ah b’aveirah (a mitzvah resulting from a transgression)? What is the source for asei doche lo ta’asseh (a positive law negating a restrictive law) regarding a yevama, kil’ayim and tzitzit? In which cases do we say it does not apply?
Each answer required the exact source in the Talmud, including the Masechta, the folio, and side a or b, the location on the page (top, middle, or bottom), and if Tosfos is referenced, which one on the page? To Rabbi Shapiro's repeated amazement, his question received an avalanche of immediate and accurate answers.
A First for ‘Flatbush USA’!
For the newest branch of the Shas Yiden Network, ‘Flatbush USA’, this was the first time that the Flatbush Avreichim Geonim participated in the annual Farher & Siyumim. They joined with and got to know their colleagues in the Eretz Hakodesh kollelim and those who arrived from London.
During the farher, the avreichim geonim from Flatbush really showed their mettle and prowess. They made their mark and demonstrated that they were on par and worthy competition to the avreichim geonim from Eretz Yisroel and London. To facilitate their fair and equal participation, the questions were asked both in Hebrew and Yiddish, and could be answered in either language. The seasoned Shas Yiden avreichim geonim expressed their amazement at the proficiency and impressive knowledge of the Flatbush contingent.
This opportunity for them to attend was made possible by the Pozna Rov who arranged air tickets for the avreichim and their wives from the USA and the UK. This enabled them to meet their counterparts and experience being part of this singular and select group in klal Yisroel of avreichim geonim umetzuyonim, all with the same mission – to master Shas and other Torah works, all for one purpose: l’kadesh sheim shomayim mitoch limud Hatorah (To sanctify Hashem through Torah study).