Flamingo Clothing Store Empties Its Shelves for Those in Need

In a beautiful act of Chesed, the Flamingo Baby clothing store opened its doors on Sunday offering all of its clothes for free to those in need, as a Zchus for the Neshama of the owners’ sister in law Mrs. Tzurty Meisels A”h, who passed away just a few short weeks ago after being in a coma for years, following an accident in Israel.
The store, located at 5920 20th Avenue, announced on motzei shabbos that the store will offer all of its clothing for free “to anyone who feels that they had their eye on something or was not able to purchase new clothing.”
And on Sunday, just a few short hours after opening its doors, the stores shelves appeared to be empty, thereby enlightening the lives of so many people who were able to get new children’s clothing for their loved ones.