Felder, Eichenstein, Yeger, Urger Mayor To Open Playgrounds.

Felder, Eichenstein, Yeger, Urger Mayor To Open Playgrounds.

Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and Councilman Kalman Yeger have been fighting to give NYC kids summer. Families raising children in cramped urban living spaces have responsibly heeded shelter in place orders over four long months. They need relief-NOW! This week Governor Cuomo lifted the order keeping playgrounds closed, but Mayor de Blasio has yet to open them.  On Sunday, June 14th they will stand with children and parents to urge Mayor de Blasio to prioritize children and open our playgrounds and schoolyards.


“Everything essential to children and healthy development is shut down. Playgrounds-not essential. Camps-not essential. Schools-not essential. It’s outrageous not to prioritize their reopening considering how essential they are. Keeping children isolated and cooped up can only be described as a necessary evil,” said Senator Felder. “Baruch Hashem, we flattened the curve. Now open these playgrounds!”


"Playgrounds and school yards are essential to our children. They need a place to play that is safe." said Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein. "I look forward to standing with Senator Felder and Councilman Yeger this Sunday in Kolbert Park to demand Mayor de Blasio end the madness and reopen our playgrounds immediately. Mr. Mayor, don’t leave our kids behind."


“Kolbert was my childhood park; the place my siblings and I, and later our children, spent thousands of hours. Former Councilman David Greenfield and I devoted years to ensure its much needed $4 million renovation. But for nearly three months we’ve endured the heartbreaking sight of a chained park, with children longingly looking through the gates.  Enough is enough.  Not everyone lives near Prospect Park or Central Park. Our neighborhood parks are small oases in a concrete city. It’s time to restore New York City’s parks to New Yorkers and to take the chains off our parks,” said Councilman Yeger.


Experts agree that play is how children grow physically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Play is how children communicate. Over the years, we have invested millions of dollars building playgrounds and revamping parks throughout the district, because these vital playgrounds and schoolyards are the only safe open spaces for children to play. Barring children from play spaces for even one additional, unnecessary minute is unhealthy, dangerous and cruel.

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