Feds Say Jersey City Attackers Planned ‘Dozens of Deaths’

Feds Say Jersey City Attackers Planned ‘Dozens of Deaths’

Jersey City – The attack on a Jewish grocery last month that killed four people was a tiny part of the diabolical plans concocted by the two Black Hebrews in Jersey City, federal authorities revealed in a news conference Monday morning.

David Anderson and Francine Graham had a bomb in their van parked outside the community supermarket that could have killed people up to a mile away, said U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito, who added that there was enough material to build a second bomb.
Carpenito also gave details for the first time what brought the officer who died, Det. Joseph Seals, to the cemetery where he was shot at. He said that the officer had gone there to meet a man who said he wanted to discuss how to get back a vehicle police had impounded. But ultimately, law enforcement agents said, they’ll never find out what exactly happened in the city’s historic cemetery that morning.

The two killers then drove to the JC Kosher Supermarket on Martin Luther King Boulevard and began shooting, killing the wife of the proprietor, a customer and a worker. But if not for Seals’ disruption of their plan, Carpenito said, the mayhem would have been horrendous.
“We believe he threw off a broader plan,” he said. His actions “probably saved dozens if not more lives.”

Authorities did not provide any details about what that plan would have been, other than to say that Graham and Anderson had done research on a Jewish community center in Bayonne and cased the supermarket several times beforehand.
Authorities also said for the first time that the crime was anti-Semitic in nature. But they do not believe the cheder next door to the supermarket was the target.

Carpenito also confirmed reports that several days before the shooting the Jersey City attackers had shot at a Misaskim member’s car near Newark Airport, and that they were also behind the murder of the livery driver found dead in a car the weekend before in Bayonne.

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