EXCLUSIVE: Viznitz Rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer Hager: Don’t Listen to Forwarded and Unverified Messages

The Viznitzer Rebbe of Yershalayim, Rebbe Elazer Zev Hager, has spoken to Boro Park 24 exclusively, feeling the urgent need to stop the spread of false information and messages that are being spread in his name.
“The coronavirus is a serious medical issue, and any person with a pre-existing condition that affects their immune system, no matter the age be it 20 or 65, should stay home and not leave the house,” the Rebbe confirmed to Boro Park 24. “All others should follow the guidelines given by government, be it keeping a distance between each other or avoiding handshakes when not necessary, and if needed should wash hands with soap prior.”
Rabbi Hager was quick in pointing out that individual people should seek medical advice if they feel it’s needed, but he’s going on the record because some have forwarded messages in his name that are not true and counter to the medical advice given by professionals. While visiting and assisting patients in the hospitals, the Rebbe himself is also following all guidelines set forth by medical professionals.
The Rebbe, who’s medical advice and guidance is sought by many in the community, has also closed his Shul in Boro Park, joining all others that have closed their doors in recent days to help stop the spread of the novel Coronavirus.
In a message circulated to the Viznitz Kehila, the Rebbe confirmed that the Shul will also be closed for the coming Shabbos.