DSNY Street Sweepers Could get Cameras and Ticket Illegally-Parked Vehicles

YS Gold
Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch recently said that New York’s Street Sweeper should have cameras affixed and automatically ticket cars that are in their way as they seek to sweep the city’s streets, according to the Gothamist.
The commissioner said the sweepers can’t do their jobs as well as they should because of the cars in their way.
One resident of Fourteenth Avenue told BoroPark24 that he remembers a time, not that long ago, when sanitation enforcement was out in force every single morning for Alternate Side Parking. “Now that they have stopped issuing tickets, rarely anyone moves their cars for the sweepers,” he said.
According to the proposal, the cameras would send the data to the Department of Finance, which would issue a ticket to a car which had been parked illegally, much the way some city buses issue tickets for cars parked at a bus stop when they come by.
City records indicate that a bill was proposed last September which would allow for the affixing such cameras. It is unclear what became of this legislation.