Driverless Shuttles Come to JFK Airport

By Idy Perl
The Port Authority of NY and NJ are launching a pilot program to test new technology in the form of driverless airport shuttles.
This Summer, drivers dropping off or picking up their vehicles from Parking Lot 9 near JFK airport will be able to hop onto driverless shuttles to get to the airport, according to the Gothamist The shuttles will have safety personnel on board to greet and assist riders and can accommodate up to 8 riders at a time. According to the Port Authority, the shuttles are shaped like a giant lima bean on wheels.
The three vehicles are operating at a maximum speed of 23 mph and at a separation of 6-7 feet.
This innovation is an exciting step in streamlining the service at JFK to serve more passengers.
photos: Ohmio, Port Authority of NY & NJ