Double Play 'specializes' in customer service

By David J. Glenn
When Double Play Toys opened at 4115 14th Ave., 25 years ago, it was just the beginning of the Digital Revolution. Shopping for anything online was a novelty — especially for toys, which need to be touched and felt to be appreciated by a child.
But even now, when every conceivable item can be ordered digitally, Double Play offers what no smartphone or computer can — personal attention.
"We specialize in it," said Zisha Herman, whose parents founded the store which he now manages. "We work individually with our customers to find just the right toy for the particular child."
Before any toy gets on the shelf, "we thoroughly check that it's completely kosher," Herman said. He and "my knowledgeable staff" will not carry any violent games or toys, and they make sure the dolls they sell are dressed appropriately.
"Any toy that I wouldn't take home to my children, I would not put on our shelves," Herman said.
For Chanukah, Double Play has stocked a full catalog of toys that are new on the market — along with staples of the Baby Boomer era: Etch-A-Sketch, Erector sets, and more. And of course, there's an array of dreidels to choose from.
Herman said the store caters to ages "zero to 99." Adults sometimes come in to buy games or puzzles for themselves, he said.
For infants and toddlers, there are pop-up toys, stuffed animals, crib mobiles, and more.
There's also a variety of Purim costumes for all ages.
Are there any plans to open a second Double Play store in Boro Park or elsewhere?
"We're not discussing it," Herman said. "At least, not right now."