DoorDash Steps Up to Help Masbia to Deliver Food to Families in Need in Boro Park

DoorDash Steps Up to Help Masbia to Deliver Food to Families in Need in Boro Park

By Yehudit Garmaise

Alexander Rapaport, the executive director at the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network, had been considering and making test-runs on how to better consolidate food deliveries to large families and families whose mothers don’t drive, when DoorDash, the take-out and grocery delivery service, called him with the idea to help Masbia “scale up deliveries very fast and quickly serve more families.”

Since Feb. 22, DoorDash, which has already made thousands of deliveries of kosher, nutritious food to large families in need in Boro Park, has dramatically increased the amount of food Masbia can deliver.

Although Masbia’s partnership with DoorDash is still in a “beta state,” the current plan is to make more than 1,000 deliveries a week of a food that includes fresh produce, dairy products, and eggs.

“We are still figuring out what we can do with this beautiful donation: which is thousands of free deliveries every week,” Rapaport said. 

Rather than families having to wait in long lines, Rapaport explained that delivering food to families’ doors: one at a time, provides more kindness and dignity.

“Business and community leaders should come together to break down barriers and meet our most vulnerable neighbors where they are,” said Sasha Owen, the senior manager of government relations at DoorDash, which invites New York City socially conscious organizations that are interested in working together to expand its existing delivery efforts to contact

Despite the considerable efforts of Masbia and DoorDash to provide nutritious, kosher food to large families in need in Boro Park, Rapaport reported that he was just notified that the city government failed to deliver Masbia’s weekly order from its pandemic food reserves of 12 trailer-loads of fresh fruits and vegetables.

“We have 6,000 families who attempt to make appointment for food deliveries every 24 hours,” said Rapaport, who said Masbia’s current output is only a fraction of that. “We serve approximately 1,500 families every day, but with this cut, how many families can be served?”

Readers can donate to Masbia at to make tax-deductable donations.

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