Domestic Travelers to New York No Longer Required to Quarantine

While the New York State Department of Health considers quarantine for domestic travelers to New York City “an added precaution,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today that starting April 1, travelers from other U.S. states or territories are no longer required to quarantine upon arrival in New York.
International travelers, however, are still required to quarantine for 10 days after arriving in New York City.
All travelers, the governor said, should continue to stop the spread of COVID-19 and its variants, must continue to fill out their Traveler Health Forms, wear masks, remain socially distant, and avoid gatherings.
"New Yorkers have shown strength and perseverance throughout this entire pandemic, and it shows through the numbers that continue to decrease every day," Gov. Cuomo said. "As we work to build our vaccination infrastructure even further and get more shots in arms, we're making significant progress in winning the footrace between the infection rate and the vaccination rate, allowing us to open new sectors of our economy and start our transition to a new normal in a post-pandemic world.
“As part of that transition, quarantine for domestic travelers is no longer required, but it is still being advised as an added precaution. This is great news, but it is not an all-clear for New Yorkers to let their guard down.”