Deadline: New Yorkers Who Require Absentee Ballots for November 7 City Elections Must Do So by the End of Day

By Yehudit Garmaise
Today is the last day New Yorkers who want or need to vote by absentee ballots can submit applications for the upcoming election taking place on November 7.
On November 7, voters who will not be in any of the five boroughs or voters who are suffering from short or long-term illnesses qualify to vote by absentee ballot.
In Boro Park, which is partly covered by City Council District 39, Shahana Hanif is the Democrat who currently represents the 39th Council District.
On NYCvotes, Hanif said her top three issues are to “fully fund our public schools, increase pedestrian and cyclist street safety, and to expand mental health services.”
Challenging Hanif is Republican Arkadiusz T. Tomaszewski, a resident of Brooklyn for 30 years, whose top priorities are to “protect our Constitution rights, ensure medical freedom of choice, and to support the NYPD in its efforts to reduce crime,” Tomaszewski said on
Also on the ballot are elections for district attorneys, civil court judges, and two ballot proposals regarding whether to “extend sewage project debt exclusion from debt limit” and also whether “to remove of small city school districts from special constitutional debt limitation.”
Monday is also the last day to submit changes of address requests for the election, which is only 15 days away.
After receiving absentee ballots for a particular election, voters may not cast ballots on voting machines, unless they are issued affidavit ballots, according to a recent change in New York state law.
New Yorkers who qualify to vote by absentee ballot are those who will not be in any of the five boroughs on Election Day, or those people for whom temporary or permanent illness would keep them away from the polls.
The early voting period will begin on October 28 and will run through November 5.
To find the Board of Elections (BOE) office closest to you in Brooklyn, click here.