De Blasio Says he will Soon Deliver Decision on Outdoor Dining Extension

Mayor Bill de Blasio has promised to deliver a decision for moving forward with outdoor dining this winter "very soon."
"In fact, it's on the agenda — I think even later on today — to try and resolve that," de Blasio told reporters during a press briefing Tuesday. "We're going to work with the city agencies, with the state."
The current expiration date for outdoor dining is October 31.
Indoor dining will reopen next Wednesday at 25 percent capacity, but most restaurants cannot stay afloat with this number alone.
During winter months, seating diners outside entails the use of propane heaters, which currently is banned in NYC.
On November 1, indoor dining guidelines will be reassessed, and depending on compliance and coronavirus infection data, restaurants may be allowed to increase to 50 percent capacity.
Credit: Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office.