Day of Awareness: Speed Cameras to Operate 24/7, Starting Monday

Day of Awareness: Speed Cameras to Operate 24/7, Starting Monday

By Yehudit Garmaise

NYC’s 2,000 speed cameras will be operating 24/7 starting on Monday, and the city wants drivers to be ready.

Today, in what the city is calling, “a day of awareness,” street teams will canvas busy locations across the city to notify drivers of the expanded hours that the speed cameras will operate.

Although the legislature first put speed cameras in school zones to protect children who were entering and exiting their schools, the Department of Transportation cited statistics that showed that NYC drivers were speeding, driving recklessly, and striking pedestrians at all hours.

Although the law extends the hours and expands the locations of the speed cameras, the fines for all speed camera violations will remain at $50, with no threat of suspended registrations.

On May 20, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the law that permits nonstop use of speed cameras in the hopes of eliminating pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter riders from being struck at a current rate that is 14% higher than it was last year at this time.

So far in 2022, at least 80 New Yorkers have tragically died on the streets after they were struck by reckless and distracted drivers.

Mayor Adams hopes his victory to persuade NY lawmakers to keep the city’s speed cameras running 24/7 will save lives that are senselessly cut short.

"Make no mistake about it,” Mayor Adams said when the legislature passed the bill to expand and extend the locations and hours of speed cameras. “This is a major victory for New Yorkers that will save lives and help stem the tide of traffic violence that has taken too many." 

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