Darkei Chaim Stavnitz Holds Annual Melave Malka, Pays Tribute to Advocate of Cholei Yisroel

By: YS Gold
The Stavnitzer Shul on 60th Street is a growing center for Torah and tefillah for the entire area, and stands under the leadership of Rav Baruch Avrohom Horowitz, shlit”a, the Stavnitzer Rov.
On Moztei Shabbos parshas Vayikra, the kehillah gathered for a melave Malka in support of the shul, and were joined by many in the neighborhood who appreciate and benefit from the presence of this citadel of Torah and Avodah.
The evening honored one of the shul’s members, a tireless askan and advocate for cholei Yisroel, and patron of numerous community chessed initiatives, Reb Mordechai Tzvi (Mordy) Getz. In addition to his activities on behalf of the greater community, he is a pillar of the Stavnitzer kehillah.
The Rov in his introductory remarks noted the earnestness that Mr. Getz infuses in the kehillah, and mentioned how during Yamim Nora’im tefilos, Mordy’s somber demeanor inspires all. The Rov also lauded his readiness to assist anyone in need, specifically those in need of a refuah sheleimah.
In a surprise appearance, the renowned Chasidish kumzitz singer Dovy Meisels, along with the acclaimed badchan Shlomo Yakov Weber, who both work with Mordy to be mesameach cholei Yisroel, came by to honor the man of hour and perform a few songs for the crowd.
The event was addressed by the Stavnitzer Daf Yomi B'iyun Magid Shiur, the illustrious Haga’on Rav Tzvi Yonasan Marton, as well as the Rov shlit”a. The MC of the Melave Malke was one of the members who founded the Night Kollel for Balei Batim in Stavnitz, R’ Avrumi Lieberman. Although he already moved away, he still supports the Stavnitz Makom Torah.
The night ended with the inspired attendees sharing their generous support, as the kehilla embarks on yet another year of serving their Creator as one.