Cooper’s Hawk Makes Appearance in Boro Park, Rescued by Chaveirim Volunteers

Cooper’s Hawk Makes Appearance in Boro Park, Rescued by Chaveirim Volunteers

By: Yaker Biegeleisen 

Tuesday evening, Chaveirim volunteers were called to a warehouse in Boro Park. It was not for a lockout or a deflated tire; a hawk had gotten stuck in the warehouse. 

According to, Cooper’s Hawks’ diets consist of mostly birds and small mammals. They feed mainly on medium-sized birds, in the size range of robins, jays, flickers. They also feed on larger and smaller birds.

This is how our winged visitor managed to get himself stuck inside the warehouse—in pursuit of a pigeon, which he presumably intended to eat for dinner.  

How common are Cooper’s hawks in urban areas? Increasingly so, according to a number of websites. 

Joining the volunteers, was Yoel Rosenberg, a birdwatcher, who has developed an interest in the many birds that he sees coming through our area. 

Holding the hawks as he’s about to release him, Rosenfeld told Boropark24: “Look how friendly he can be when he is not hovering over his babies.”

Yaker Biegeleisen is Boropark24’s weather and nature reporter.

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