Construction at the Kossover Shul in Full Swing

By: Boropark24 staff
An enormous rig pulled up 55th Street from 14th Avenue on Wednesday morning. It carried many tons of steel that will support the Kossover Shul, which is being erected as a state-of-the-art center for Torah and tefillah in Boro Park.
Much planning has gone into this project, askonim relate. “It entailed bringing in the most accomplished consultants, designers, architects, and engineers, for every aspect of this project,” explained one of the people intimately involved with the building process.
Construction began shortly before the summer, and the building is now in the phase of steel construction—a process that will take yet another month or two—which involved bringing in the central pillars this morning.
This project will cost many millions of dollars, and the askonim are actively working on raising the funds to keep the project moving along.
When completed, the Shul will be one of the largest and most magnificent in Boro Park, with sprawling spaces for Torah, tefillah, a mikvah, and many other functions to bring kovod to Torah and avodas Hashem in the center of Boro Park.