Comptroller Brad Lander Joins Boro Park’s Daled Minim Shopping

By BoroPark24 Staff
This afternoon, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander visited the bustling Daled Minim Shuk on 13th Avenue in Boro Park.
Lander, who makes it an annual tradition to purchase his lulav and esrog from the vibrant streets of Boro Park, was accompanied by community members Ushi Teitelbaum, Ezra Friedlander, Cheskel Blau, and others.
“Shana Tova!” Brad Lander shared in a special message for BoroPark24 readers. "I’m delighted to wish the BoroPark24 community and the whole Boro Park community a Chag Sameach. I’m here to buy my own lulav and esrog, and 13th Avenue is jumping (with excitement) as many people are getting ready for the beautiful holiday. It’s an honor to be out here, and I hope everyone has a Chag Sameach. The new year is off to a great start!"