Community Rabbonim and Heads of Chessed Organizations Join Bar Mitzvah of Prominent Philanthropist

It was an evening of great joy in the family of Reb Mordechai Tzvi (Mordy) Getz as they celebrated the bar mitzvah of their beloved son Avrohom—and, for R’ Mordy, “family” includes the legions of the recipients of his generosity. 
The event brought out prominent Rabbonim, Rosh Kollel, and heads of numerous chessed organizations in the community—many of whom are indebted to this ba’al tzeddakah who does so much of his giving quietly, without fanfare. In advance of the Bar mitzvah, the bar mitzvah bachur donned tefillin for the first time by the Bobov-45 Rebbe, of whom the family are ardent chassidim.  
In keeping with his philosophy of generosity, this special time of a simcha arouses great feelings of gratitude—and what better way to express gratitude to Hakodosh Baruch Hu than by strengthening Torah and chessed even more. 
To this end, R’ Mordy dedicated a suite in the RCCS offices—where so much of the lifesaving activities of this legendary organization takes place— in memory of his beloved brother who passed away in recent years, naming it “Cheder Avrohom.” 
Also in honor of this special occasion, R’ Mordy embarked on a costly journey of printing an incredible treasure to lomdei Torah around the world. The sefer Maharsha is synonymous with crystalizing Gemara, truly bringing out the sweetness of the Torah through his tremendous chiddushim. However, a recent discovery of a rare manuscript of large portions of the chidushim, has sent shockwaves around the Torah world, and to Judaica aficionados. 
Reb Mordy acquired tremendous zechus of reprinting this manuscript, making it available to Klal Yisroel. Indeed, Rav Shaul Alter, shlit”a (with whom he is very close), has lauded “[his] great privilege to print this completion to Chidushei Basra—especially at the time of a bar mitzvah.” 
Thus, a time of holy joy was elevated even higher through these great deeds which served as an inspiration for so many in utilizing Hashem’s blessings for the cause of Torah and chessed.

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