COMMUNICATED: TAJ Art Will Auction Off Priceless Judaica Artifacts, Less Than One Week Remains

COMMUNICATED: TAJ Art Will Auction Off Priceless Judaica Artifacts, Less Than One Week Remains

Tomorrow, winning bidders will hold in their hands priceless artifacts sold at auction through the TAJ Art house. 

Many of these items are prized for the signatures of their previous owners, and some of them have immense value because of where and when they were printed. All of them are valuable pieces with a storied past and have made their way today to the TAJ curators who will place them into the hands of those who will most appreciate them. 

Some of these artifacts include the prized Slavita early print Chovos Halevovos, the sefer Kol Bo printed in Venice in 1567, sefer hamitzvos of the Rambam from 1660, a gevuros Hashem of the Maharal which was printed in his lifetime (!), the handwriting of the gra, and dozens of other extremely rare pieces. 

Collectors and Judaica afficionados are clamoring to get their bids in during the remaining days to the auction. Get your bid in, and be the lucky winner of a precious piece of our history. 

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