Chernobyler Rebbe to Embark on Nesiah to Eretz Yisroel

By: Yehuda Alter
The Chernobyler Rebbe will depart the United States on Tuesday evening for a week-long trip with Chassidim to the holy land of Eretz Yisroel—a trip that will take them to the kevarim of tzaddikim in the north of Eretz Yisroel, as well as other locations.
Following departure on Tuesday, the pilgrimage will be at the kosel and the Tziyun of the Ohr Hachaim on Wednesday evening. Thursday, the 16th of Cheshvan, will find them in Chevron and Kever Rochel.
Thursday evening, the Rebbe will conduct a tish in Bnei Brak, together with his brother, the Chernobyler Rebbe of Bnei Brak, in honor of the yohrtzeit of their father, Rebbe Zusha’le, the previous Chernobyler Rebbe, zt”l. Following the tish, the entire chassidus will make their way to the tziyun in Bnei Brak.
Shabbos will be spent in the holy city of Meron, with a hadlakah on motzei Shabbos, and they will undertake a trip to the holy city of tzefas, with a visit to the Kloiz of Rav Aaron of Chernobyl—a forbearer of the Rebbe—on Sunday afternoon.
The group will return on Monday morning, filled with blessings and inspiration in the merit of the tzaddikim.