Chairman of U.S. News and World Report Visits Boro Park to Meet With Community Leaders at BPJCC

Chairman of U.S. News and World  Report Visits Boro Park to Meet With Community Leaders at BPJCC

By M.C. Millman

As one of the fastest-growing communities in NYC, in a little more than a square mile, Boro Park contains the highest concentration of Jews anywhere in the United States.

To visit Boro Park is to experience the growing, thriving, and vibrant community like no other, something which Eric Gertler, philanthropist and chairman of U.S. News and World Report, wanted to experience firsthand. 

Friday, June 2, Gertler visited Boro Park, where he met and spent the morning at the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, engaging with community leaders on various issues heard straight from those who represent the heart of the community. Discussions touched on topics such as ongoing struggles with media bias and the negatively slanted stories and outright lies that portray Chassidim specifically and Orthodox Jews in general and the overwhelmingly negative ramifications of such misrepresentations.

Having the chairman and CEO of  U.S. News and World Report take a serious and active interest in a conversation on media bias was a poignant moment for all concerned. 

The morning also included visiting Bais Yaakov of Boro Park for a tour of the classrooms and resource rooms which served as an example of just one facet of Boro Park's vibrancy, focus, and growth. 

"The visit was a special moment we look forward to emulating with others," Avi Greenstein shares with BoroPark24. "Part of our mission at the BPJCC is to enlighten the world and share the beauty that is Boro Park. We are ready and eager to be the ambassadors and to offer further opportunities for those who want to meet and engage us so we can further awareness of the beauty and uniqueness of this special community." 

Community leaders attending the meeting with Mr. Gertler included Malcolm Hoenlein, former chairman of the Conference of Presidents, and many representatives from kehillos in Boro Park.

"We were delighted and honored to have had such prestigious leaders at the BPJCC," Greenstein continues, "and to be able to host Eric with the high-level community leaders in attendance to discuss ongoing issues. We are grateful to Eric for listening and engaging with us and hearing the issues of the community, and for giving us the opportunity to tell our story, the real story of the Orthodox community. I am sure Eric left impressed with the vibrant life and energy thriving here in Boro Park." 

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