CB 12 Helps Residents to Stop School Bus Drivers from Parking on Residential Streets

By Yehudit Garmaise
Neighborhood school bus drivers have been parking their long, yellow buses on some of Boro Park’s residential streets, a community member complained during the public hearing of Community Board 12’s monthly meeting.
“On residential streets, we have been seeing school buses parked during the day: where they should not be parking,” said the Boro Park resident. “The buses are taking up parking that we already don't have.”
Speaking about what he called “the ongoing issue” of finding school buses parked on residential streets, the community member thanked District Manager Barry Spitzer for his willingness to help stop the problem.
One issue the community member pointed out is that the NYPD only tickets the school buses at night, but not during the day.
“So if you report the parked school buses to 311 during the day, the NYPD will not issue a ticket,” the Boro Parker said. “But the law is the law: both day and night.
“For some reason, police officers make excuses [about why they won’t issue tickets during the daytime.] They don’t see a problem with it.”