Catskills Hatzolah Appreciation Melave Malka in Boro Park

By YS Gold
It may be the middle of winter, but the thoughts of the Catskills Hatzolah members—most of whom serve in city Hatzolah forces during the winter months— were on their summer heroism and their shared sacrifices during their vacation time in the mountains.
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Bo found hundreds of members gathered at the Kerem Menachem Hall in Boro Park for an evening of appreciation of all they do for the vacationing community in the Catskills—the interrupted BBQ’s, the disruption of the little time that the have with family during the weekends, the long drives to city hospitals, and dropping everything and running to colonies and camps, near and far, for the sake of helping another Yid.
The event was emceed by longtime Catskills Hatzolah coordinator R’ Burech Gips, and the guest speaker was longtime coordinator Rabbi Yehuda Frankel. The event was beautifully arranged by Shimmy Stern, Shimmy’s Events. Music produced by Motty Breier Productions and singer Kalmy Schwartz.
In typical fashion for our selfless Hatzolah volunteers, the Catskills region—with its 1,000 year-round residents—was covered by members from other areas for the duration of the melave malka.