BDE: R’ Shloime Meir Misky, z”l

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Shloime Meir Misky, a beloved member of the Slonimer kehillah in Boro Park..... read more

BDE: Mrs. Malka Schonberger, a”h

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the petirah of Mrs. Schonberger, a”h, a beloved and admired individual from the Viener.... read more

BDE: Mrs. Lifsha Spira, a”h

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the petirah of Mrs. Lifsha Spira, a longtime Boro Park resident. She was 90 years of.... read more

BDE: R’ Yitzchok Peretz Friedman, z”l

YS Gold We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Yitzchok Peretz Friedman, z”l, an ardent Viznitzer chossid and.... read more

BDE: R’ Pinchas Freund, z”l

YS Gold We are saddened to inform you of the petirah of R’ Pinchas Freund, Z”l, a beloved mispallel in the Dezher shul who was.... read more

R’ Yanky Meyer’s Passing One Year Later: A Truly Irreplaceable Loss

YS GoldIt has been one year since the passing of the legend of askonus, a man who—as his.... read more

WATCH: The incredible life story of R’ Eliezer Chaim Weiss, z”l

Reb Eliezer Chaim Weiss, who passed away lately, interviewed by Hershey Rubinstein of the Yizkor Foundation..... read more

BDE: R’ Moshe Fisch, z”l

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the untimely passing of Reb Moshe Fisch, a beloved member of the Tosher kehillah in Boro Park..... read more

BDE: R’ Shamai Hartman, z”l

by YS Gold We regret to inform you of the passing of R’ Shamai Hartman, z”l, a longtime Boro Park resident and a Holocaust.... read more

BDE: Dr. Yehuda Sorscher, z”l

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the petirah of Dr. Yehuda Sorcher, z”l, a longtime.... read more

BDE: Rav Aaron Schechter, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the petirah of Rav Aaron Schechter, talmid muvhak and successor of Rav Yitzchok Hutner, zt”l..... read more

BDE: Reb Meir Izak, z”l

by YS Gold We regret to inform you of the petirah of R’ Meir Izak, a native of Yerushalayim who resided in Boro Park for many.... read more

BDE: R’ Moshe Fischman, z”l

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the petirah of Reb Moshe Pesachia Fischman, z”l, a longtime Boro Park resident, and the.... read more