New York State Releases Summer Day Camp Guidelines

With the June 29th day quickly approaching, the date New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says summer day camps are allowed to open, the state released a.... read more

Felder Urges, “Shop Local” Small Businesses Need Life Support

“Small businesses are essential- to our economy and to every thriving neighborhood. Shop owners.... read more

Felder Demand's open Special Education Schools, Private Schools, Public Schools Are Essential

Dear Governor Cuomo,The education of New York’s children is essential, and our school system must be included in Phase 1 of.... read more

Meron Vibes: Exciting Debut Single Released by Moishe Eisenberg and Ahrele Samet.

Moishe Eisenberg has been working for years for.... read more

Boro Park Yeshiva Distributes Prizes to Kids for Learning at Home

Boro Park - A decorated pickup truck yeshiva went around the streets of Boro Park on Wednesday, making regular stops to reward children who had.... read more

BDE: Rav Shmuel Horowitz z"l, the Longtime Gabbai of Bobover Rebbes

Boro Park – We are saddened to inform of the petira of Rav Shmuel Horowitz z"l, the longtime gabbai of Bobover rebbes and a talmid chacham in.... read more

Krias HaTorah in Coronavirus Era: Rav Mechel Steinmetz Responds to Halachic Queries

By Yochonon Donn   For thousands of years, the beis haknesses, Klal Yisroel’s shuls, have been the.... read more

6 Dead in Hourslong Shooting in Jersey City’s Tiny Jewish Neighborhood

Jersey City – An hourslong shootout in the tiny frum enclave in Jersey City appears to have just ended, with a police officer, and four.... read more