Catalytic Converter Thefts Up in NYC: NYPD

By: YS Gold
Following a steady uptick in the theft of catalytic converters in the greater New York area, the NYPD says they are seeing an uptick in the theft of this vital car part around New York City.
“A catalytic converter is part of your engine’s exhaust system,” said a poster disseminated by the NYPD. “Catalytic converters contain platinum, palladium, and rhodium—precious metals more valuable than gold.”
The ease and the speed with which thieves can make off with these parts, coupled with the fact that they can earn hundreds of dollars per part, has unfortunately made it very lucrative. Car owners are left paying thousands of dollars to replace it.
The police department suggests parking cars overnight in well-lit areas, etching your license plate or VIN number onto the catalytic converter, and installing an anti-theft device.
photo credit: Flickr