Captured Moments: An Iconic Entrance

YS Gold
The entrance being constructed here about forty years ago leads into one of Boro Park’s largest and most iconic shuls. It was built by a Rebbe who was a vestige of the great Churban Europa who rebuilt from the ashes with joy and fervor.
Can any of our readers identify the location?
Answer to last week's Captured Moment:
Last week’s column featured a Yid selling the sefer Sheilos Uteshuvos Sifsei Avrohom, authored by Rav Avrohom Chaim Reuven Yechezkia, the rov of Voideslov, a grand-nephew of the Chidushei Harim. A number of our readers have identified the seller as Rabbi Gross, a nephew of the Voideslover rov.