Captured Moment: The 105-year-old Shul

This week’s captured moment takes us to the center of Boro Park, to an iconic shul that many of our readers will recognize. It had many illustrious rabbonim over its century of existence.
Can our readers identify this icon in Boro Park?
Answer to last captured moment:
The Bobover Rebbe, the Divrei Shloime, zt”l, would famously make the rounds on Shushan Purim, celebrating the in the streets of Boro Park—prolonging the joy and celebration even longer. In many ways, the Bobover chassidim have brought the extended Purim spirit to Boro Park, and the sight of bachurim with feathers in their hats on Shushan Purim is familiar to many.
Here, the Rebbe is seen emerging the from iconic apartment building at 4702 15th Avenue after paying a visit to one of his children who lived there.