Captured Moment: Park Memorial Chapel

YS Gold
This week’s captured moment takes us to the lower avenues of Boro Park where, in 1940, the Park Memorial Chapel existed. The chapel later catered to orthodox Jews before it moved to another location in Boro Park.
Can any of our readers identify the location?
Answer to last week’s captured moment:
In 1929, the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch came to Borough Park and visited the shul of Rav Eliyahu Yachil Simpson—located at 4511 14th Avenue—which was called Congregation Tzemach Zedek. Five years later, the shul burned down, and the Simpson family, who lived upstairs, were miraculously saved from the blaze through the heroic actions of a policeman. The shul was subsequently razed and Agudas Yisroel of Boro Park was built in its place.
Today, the Bnos Chaya School thrives on this location.