Captured Moment: An Important Home

Captured Moment: An Important Home

YS Gold 

Our featured landmark this week is a home in Boro Park’s 50’s, near 16th Avenue, which once served as the home of a Shul that was just starting out (it has since grown into one of Boro Park’s larger Shuls), as the home of a very chashuve Rov, and most recently as the home of an architect who assisted many mosdos and shuls in their building process. 

Can our readers correctly identify the location? 


Answer to last week’s captured moment: 

The site of Bay Ridge Savings Bank in the year 1940 is very much still a bank. The location, 13th Avenue and 48th Street, is today the site of Chase Bank. Although we cannot say for sure, back in 1940, there were a lot fewer banks all around this location that we have today on 13th Avenue. 

Captured Moment: The Shul That Went up in Flames
  • Jul 25 2023
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  • 11:30 AM

Captured Moment: Bay Ridge Savings Bank
  • Jul 11 2023
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  • 1:33 PM

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