Camp HASC: We Can’t Reopen As Usual Due to Lack of State Guidelines

Camp HASC announces they won’t operate this summer as usual, lacking proper state guidelines on how to open safely. “We will continue to explore available options for this summer,” the camp said in a statement. To the Dear Parents, Families and Staff of Camp HASC,
Shalom Uvracha - We hope you are healthy and well. We are writing to share an important update regarding the outlook for summer 2020.
We find ourselves late in the camp preparation season, still lacking state and local
guidelines clarifying what what type of camp program, if any, would be legally permitted and safe to operate this summer.
With heavy hearts, we have concluded that we will not be able to run the Camp HASC program that our campers and families are accustomed to and depend on. We will continue to explore the available options for this summer, and are making every effort to plan for limited respite programming alternatives. We are in direct communication with local and state authorities and will continue to do our best in planning for all contingencies.
If such options become possible, they will almost certainly include a delayed opening, as well as reduced numbers of campers and staff. Any potential program will be operated according to the highest safety standards, and would not be open to campers and staff who are considered medically high risk or vulnerable to virus infection.
We can not take risks with the health and wellbeing of our beloved campers and staff,
and will continue to place the sacred value of protecting human life and maintaining safety above all other considerations.